Friday, 5 August 2011


HIGH SCHOOL: you see your friends for 8 hours a day and then go home to your family
UNIVERSITY: you basically see your friends all day and night because you LIVE with them :)

HIGH SCHOOL: mom/dad/someone who knows what they are doing cooks for you
UNIVERSITY: you either eat at the cafeteria( X_X) or you survive off of tuna and bread

HIGH SCHOOL: you take buses to your sports events
UNIVERSITY: you take the school's RV's and have to DRIVE 6 hours to play a game

HIGH SCHOOL: after school you practice sports
UNIVERSITY: practice time is made when the captains and coaches see fit

HIGH SCHOOL: usually 4-6 classes an hour each, school from 8am -3pm usually
UNIVERSITY: you pick your classes and hours so you can have class at 7am or 7pm and classes can be 2 hours long

HIGH SCHOOL: class size is about 30
UNIVERSITY: lecture is about 300 people sometimes and then discussion is like around 15 (notice there are TWO classes for one class)

HIGH SCHOOL: cheating is hard and you get in little trouble
UNIVERSITY: cheating is SUPER easy because there are 300 people in a room with 1-3 proctors...DONT CHEAT because you WILL get kicked out

HIGH SCHOOL: you skip class everyone knows
UNIVERSITY: you skip class no one cares

HIGH SCHOOL: you don’t really get to know someone that personally except your best friends
UNIVERSITY: you live with people and see them all day everyday so its completely different

HIGH SCHOOL: you have a curfew and parties can be off limits
UNIVERSITY: you can go out and party any night you wish basically

HIGH SCHOOL: you have tests, , homework, EXTRA CREDIT, participation, and a final.

UNIVERSITY: usually 2-3 midterms each semester, a few quizzes, a loads o assignments, maybe a paper and a final thats 40% of your grade... no real extra credit or ways to beef up your grade, its tests and you pass or dont because UNIVERSITY prepares you and if you get a job and dont know what your doing you get fired!

HIGH SCHOOL: 6 classes usually a whole year
UNIVERSITY: you get new classes each semester so its faster paced learning but cooler :)

HIGH SCHOOL: there are small relationships and nothing too too serious
UNIVERSITY: a lot of people hook up and there are way more serious relationships

HIGH SCHOOL: people stick to their labels and cliques
UNIVERSITY: there arent real labels everyone is cool with everyone and people date outside their race and comfort zones its amazing

i like UNIVERSITY lol its and sooo different than regular school because your actually working toward your career and having fun with your new friends being there and basically living life and growing up xD